IRKUTSKENERGO PJSC has been cooperating with ENERGORESOURCE since 2015. During the implementation of the projects, the company's employees conducted a technical audit of existing design solutions, which allowed to optimize the composition of the equipment and avoid difficulties with the launch and operation of the heat supply unit. All the tasks set were fulfilled in time and at a high professional level. I would like to mention the high level of organization and willingness of staff to respond to any questions as soon as possible.
Kozlov V.
Deputy Head of Capital Construction
Since 2010, SBERBANK has been cooperating with ENERGORESOURCE as a comprehensive contractor for the new construction and reconstruction of heat and water systems at our company`s facilities. Successful cooperation experience has confirmed the correct choice we did and made it possible to make sure that the professional team can solve complex tasks effectively and rationally. In its activities, the company fully adheres to the basic principles of business cooperation and compliance with mutual agreements. Operational organization of works, use of modern advanced technologies and proper quality characterizes the engineering company ENEREGORESOURCE as a reliable professional partner in the implementation of projects in the field of design and construction.
Timoshenko A.
Deputy Director of Real Estate, Facilities and Resources Dept.
ENERGORESOURCE Engineering Company has been a permanent partner of the Novyi Gorod Group since 2008. A distinctive feature of ENERGORESOURCE Engineering Company is a comprehensive approach to the performance of works, which includes the design and audit of technical solutions, the construction and installation works, installation and operation of equipment, as well as energy audit of buildings and facilities. We can recommend this company as a reliable partner with considerable experience in the field of heat and water supply and energy audit.
Chernyakov V.
Executive General manager of Federal Construction Company "Novyi Gorod"
on heating systems design, water supply, sewer system, automated thermal points, thermal energy storage units, including:
design work;
supply of equipment and materials;
installation and start-up work;
energy survey.
the heat exchanging units` production;
It is optimal when the project, installation and operation are carried out by one contracting business. In this case, all questions related to the launch and operation of the facility the customer can address to a designer and a contractor from the same company and receive a solid and well-balanced response.
Accompanying the project
Own production facilities and the delivery service.
Optimal delivery timing.
The complex set
Price-quality balance tested
Processing specifications
Compliance with warranty obligations.
Equipment work under the stated requirements.
at the development stage of the facility by the general designer.
of start-up works.
by the timely equipment handling.
to check the correctness of the equipment.
In 2018, the company received a State Declaration of Compliance for the manufacture of the plate, disassembled heat exchange units and launched its products under its brand.
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Carrying out projects, we comprehensively and fully responsible see the task and can predict the final result - the efficiency and reliability of the projected and constructed objects.
A sound technical solution athe key to the efficient, economical and reliable operation of engineering networks and systems.
Developing sections of design documentation for:
1. automated thermal points;
2. thermal and heat energy, cold and hot water metering units;
3. heating, water and sewage systems;
4. "Energy Performance";
5. Water and heat supply, sewage utiyies calculations.
Carrying out projects, we comprehensively and fully responsible see the task and can predict the final result - the efficiency and reliability of the projected and constructed objects.
A sound technical solution athe key to the efficient, economical and reliable operation of engineering networks and systems.
The main areas of the project work are:
Developing sections of design documentation 2. Water and heat supply, sewage utiyies calculations.
We carry out comprehensive deliveries of equipment and materials for heat and water engineering sets produced by leading domestic and foreign manufacturers of heating equipment as certified dealers.
ENERGORESOURCE has an assembly shop, where pre-installation works are carried out, as a result of which the quality of installation is improved, the deadlines are reduced. The customer has the opportunity to carry out related works at the site with us while the assembly in the shop is underway. Performing work our specialists comply with all state regulatory requirements, which alloputtingput the facility into operation with the participation of control bodies in the future without any unwanted delays.
We have all the necessary permits: permits for projecting, construction and energy audit from self-regulated organizations*, our company employees pass mandatory trainngs and state certification in Rostekhnador and National Agency for Testing and Welding.
Carrying out projects, we comprehensively and fully responsible see the task and can predict the final result - the efficiency and reliability of the projected and constructed objects.
*Self-regulatory organizations — non-profit organizations that exercise some degree of regulatory authority over business entities operating in certain sectors of production of goods (works, services) or profession the in Russian building market.
ENERGORESOURCE offers installation and start-up of:
– internal heating systems, sewerage supply;
– automated heat points;
– heat energy storage nodes;
– boost transformer and fire-fighting stations.
We have all the necessary permits: permits for projecting, construction and energy audit from self-regulated organizations*, our company employees pass mandatory trainngs and state certification in Rostekhnador and National Agency for Testing and Welding. (SRO*)
Carrying out projects, we comprehensively and fully responsible see the task and can predict the final result - the efficiency and reliability of the projected and constructed objects.
We offer: 1. Technical maintenance of thermal points, thermal energy metering units, heating systems, water supply and drainage;
2. Billing maintenance of thermal energy metering units;
3. Maintenance works related to preparations fthe or winter season of the buildings heating systems;
4. Chemical and mechanical washing of heat exchange equipment and replacement of seals;
5. Hydraulic flushing and heating system pressure;
setting up the hydraulic heating mode of the buildings.
Comprehensive control, regulatory work, rapid response to adverse changes in performance, as well as periodic preventive maintenance will allow the systems not only to work without failures, to extend their life, but also to reduce operating costs, the number of resources consumed.
We offer:
1. Technical maintenance of thermal points, thermal energy metering units, heating systems, water supply and drainage;
2. Billing maintenance of thermal energy metering units;
3. Maintenance works related to preparations fthe or winter season of the buildings heating systems;
4. Chemical and mechanical washing of heat exchange equipment and replacement of seals;
5. Hydraulic flushing and heating system pressure; setting up the hydraulic heating mode of the buildings.
Comprehensive control, regulatory work, rapid response to adverse changes in performance, as well as periodic preventive maintenance will allow the systems not only to work without failures, to extend their life, but also to reduce operating costs, the number of resources consumed.
Timely energy audit of enterprises (energy inspection) allows customers to increase the efficiency of energy resources, and thus - to reduce costs to 30%, when installing weather-triggered automation - up to 45%, in the implementation of a set of measures and the use of a special regime of energy consumption – up to 70%.
Timely energy audit of enterprises (energy inspection) allows customers to increase the efficiency of energy resources, and thus - to reduce costs to 30%, when installing weather-triggered automation - up to 45%, in the implementation of a set of measures and the use of a special regime of energy consumption – up to 70%.